Tag Archives: Galicia

Ethnography of wine-making

Hi everybody,

Welcome back to Archaeostuff. This time I am writing some lines on a topic very close to me. I am showing you some shots of the process of wine-making in my family house south of Galicia. I usually start by writing in Galician and then translating it to English, but I know there are many international friends interested in this topic so this time I will make an exception. We have been making wine here at least since the times of my great-grandfather, so I am very happy to keep the tradition here with my father. We make both red and white wine in the traditional manner: no chemicals, wooden barrels, grapes broken without modern mechanical aids… Hope you like the pictures and the accompanying text. I will write in the future a formal paper on this topic, since I think that from these traditional practices we can learn so much about ancient practices. Quite honestly, when I read papers on wine-making in ancient Greece and Rome most of the time I think: you have no idea how wine is made.

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Pote Calcolítico / Calcolithic pot

Outra entrada na bitácora sobre os experimentos en cerámica que estou a realizar pra miña tese de doutoramento. Neste caso vos presento unha serie de fotografías que tomei mentres traballaba na réplica dunha cunca con decoración calcolítica. A peza está feita a man, coa base creada a base de beliscos e a parte superior con rolos de arxila. A decoración consta de tres bandas incisas e a cocción fíxena nunha fochanca chea de tizóns na que soterrei a cunca. O lume o preparei por riba da fochanca, e as brasas resultantes quentaron e coceron o pote durante unhas seis horas (English version below).

Cunca antes de ser cocida / Bowl before firing.

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