Filmes e Arqueoloxía (I). A Furia dos Titáns (1981):

Se algunha vez tendes visto unha foto miña nalgún perfil dixital teredes pensado: – Ben, xa o pillo. Viu Indiana Jones de cativo e quixo ser arqueólogo. Hai unha grande polémica ao redor destes filmes arqueolóxicos e do peplum, e como a disciplina e o pasado móstranse neles. Os críticos teñen razón nalgúns casos, pero eu tendo a adoptar unha posición máis neutral. Un traballo de ficción é simplemente iso, ficción. Pode ser mellor ou peor, pero se non engana o espectador pretendendo ser un documental, eu non vexo o problema. Creo que estes filmes poden incluso xogar un papel importante no acrecentamento do interese polas sociedades do pasado. Este é un debate longo e complicado, e non pretendo poder arranxalo eiquí completamente. Só quero presentar algúns dos mellores filmes que creo representan o mellor desta tradición cinematográfica, e que ben poden ser entretidos, ficción, pero tamén unha boa forma de acercarse ó pasado.

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Films and Archaeology (I): The Clash of the Titans (1981)

If you have ever seen a picture of me on a digital profile you would have thought: OK, I got it. He watched Indiana Jones and wanted to be an archaeologist. There is always a strong polemic about these archaeology/peplum films, and how the field and the past are portrayed in them. Critics are right sometimes, but I tend to adopt a more neutral position. A work of fiction is just that, fiction. It can be better or worse, but if it does not cheat the viewer pretending to be a documentary, I do not see what the problem is. They can even play an important role in increasing the social interest in past societies. This is a long and complicated debate and I do not intent to give here a full solution. I just want t present you with some films that I believe represent the best of this tradition about “adventures in ancient times”, and that because of these characteristics can be entertaining, fictional but also a good way of approaching the past.

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Open source archaeology, a brief users guide (I)

A digital world like ours has many initiatives that perhaps we do not know, but that offer us open-source software for any task we can imagine. From whole operative systems (OS) to little programs for specific tasks, communities of coders work for free on alternatives to firmware software that in some cases can make us wonder why we still pay for programs when we can donate to this initiatives and enjoy great software. My work on GIS and GRASS was of course my first exposure to this technology but my best example would be LibreOffice: I have not used the Office Suit for more than a decade, and I have never encountered a problem on my research or on my publications.

App menu of ArcheOS. Look at all the archeological software ready to be used!

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